Tuesday, February 23, 2010

hit and run driver let go with no charges after slamming into a bicyclist http://bit.ly/cCiV2r lapd gives OK to hit and run drivers bike

Monday, February 22, 2010

federal agents "lose" 1,700 pounds of marijuana transporting it from memphis to kentucky http://bit.ly/ctlWFl have the feds not heard of gps

Thursday, February 18, 2010

school spies on students at home using webcam of issued laptops, class action lawsuit in effect http://bit.ly/a48u6F childporn abuse sick

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

elderly care home manager fired over doctor recommended medical marijuana, had spotless work record, tenants loved him http://bit.ly/cSmA8X
ebay removes high times magazine sales, cites it is against federal law even though sold all across usa http://bit.ly/b5fEMl book banning

Monday, February 8, 2010

daily paul breaks down hemp history and why it became illegal - http://ping.fm/fa6Oi - it all goes back to special interests
medical marijuana facility donates soil to santa barbara school garden, school gets "bummed out" when source revealed http://bit.ly/dzqwxG

Sunday, February 7, 2010

persusing medical marijuana menus i see this, Shwag 3-g / 10-1/8 - haha, never seen "shwag" listed before on a menu, made me laugh
tampa police seize marijuana, inflates weight and value... (edit-TAMPA not texas) http://bit.ly/dxRrn5
texas police seize marijuana, inflates weight and value, claims 35 plants = 300 lbs, claims as a million $ bust http://bit.ly/dxRrn5 b.s.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

citizentube behind the scenes of the obama interview, they forgot to include how they censored the public's questions http://bit.ly/aiiB3T

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

cannabis sativa has been used for thousands of years, insomnia, menstrual pains, asthma, uterus pain http://ping.fm/3tWxj
la mayor signs new medical marijuana ordinance into effect, monopolization and increase in black market sales to follow http://bit.ly/bIJ0kC
man denied 2nd ammendment right to bear arms due to medical marijuana use, morphine and klonopin were okay though - http://bit.ly/aURjWL
citizentube makes weak attempt to distract public from it's censorship tactics http://bit.ly/dmIqQ1 censor fake lies notforthepeople
man goes nuts and is arrested on airplane flight, claims medical marijuana cookies were too strong which caused rage - http://bit.ly/bLtd8v
former mexican official urges mexico and united states to legalize marijuana, would deal huge punch to cartel business http://bit.ly/cDQV2e

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

dying medical marijuana patient denied place on organ donor list - confused doctors think medical marijuana is a "drug" http://bit.ly/avc35v

Monday, February 1, 2010

citizentube.com interview w/president lies, ignores most requested citizen questions re marijuana re legalization http://bit.ly/cbh95i b.s.